There are several ways to make your gift to pg电子下载 State University. Below are just a few for your consideration.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Giving to pg电子下载

The pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Incorporated, in administering gifts, acts in a fiduciary capacity. All gifts are administered in strict compliance with the instructions of the donor. When a gift is not accompanied by instructions, it is administered as an unrestricted gift; that is, it is used to fulfill the greatest needs of pg电子下载 State University as determined by the board of directors and the officers of the Foundation, and the president of the University.
In regard to the establishment of special funds, such as scholarship funds, the Foundation recommends that details for the administration be worked out by the donor and a representative of the Foundation, and written instructions for the administration of the funds be drafted and signed by the donor and the Foundation.

All gifts or donations made to pg电子下载 State University via check, money order, cashier’s check, etc. should be made payable to pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc. or ASU Foundation, Inc.


Click Here to doante now using your Credit Card/Debit Card to make a secure online Gift

Phone: 601-877-6296

Mail Check or Money Order to:

pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc.
1000 ASU Drive #810

Lorman, MS 39096-7500

Payroll deduction for pg电子下载 Employees

  • Gifts in Kinds
  • Real Estate
  • Planned Gift
  • Matching Gifts

Don’t forget, your gift goes even further if your company matches gifts! To find out if your employer matches, please visit  or ask for the matching gift form at your company’s Human Resource office.


A donor’s cash gift should be made by check or money order drawn payable to the pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Incorporated and mailed to the pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Incorporated, 1000 ASU Drive #810, pg电子下载 State, Mississippi 39096-7500. You may give the Foundation up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income and claim it as a deduction. Should your gift exceed half of your income, you may claim deductions, over a five-year period.

Acknowledgement Policy Letter

Beginning January 1, 2018, all gifts of $250.00 and below made to the pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc. will only receive an emailed Acknowledgement/Thank You letter. Gifts above $250.00 will continue to receive a letter through the U.S. Mail. Additionally, all donors are reminded and strongly encouraged to always include your email address along with your gift to ensure receipt of your acknowledgement letter. This policy change is being made in response to the rising costs of printing and postage. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Requests By will

The simplest form of bequest is a provision in a will making an outright gift of money or property to the pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Incorporated. Gifts through your will are not subject to Federal Estate Taxes and thus substantially reduce the tax liability of your estate. If you wish, you may restrict your gift to a particular department or program. Also, you may direct that the corpus be held in trust, with only the income being used.

The basic wording for your will which your attorney will need, is “I give, devise, and bequeath to the pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Incorporated, organized. chartered, and operated under the laws of the State of Mississippi, with offices at Bowles Hall Executive Administration Building, pg电子下载 State University, Lorman, Mississippi, the sum of $_______________ (percentage f your estate, a specific amount, or the particular item of property you are giving).”


Gifts of stocks or bonds held for more than six months may be the easiest and most advantageous way to help the University. If the securities have gained in value, you can, by giving them outright, avoid paying capital gains tax and also claim a deduction for the fair market value (what you paid plus the appreciated value).

If securities have depreciated in value, it is usually best to sell and give the proceeds, since you can then take a tax loss on the drop in value and also deduct the proceeds as a charitable gift.

alcorn building

Land and Equipment

Land deeded to the Foundation is not taxable in the estate of the donor. He or she may retain full income, or a percentage of the income during their lifetime.

Special teaching and research equipment is required in almost every field of study. In many scientific disciplines, constant progress demands the purchase of the most recent equipment frequently of highly technical nature. Cash contributions for this purpose or gift in kind of useful equipment are appreciated and can be receipted as donations at fair market value.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

The pg电子下载 State University Foundation Inc. has been approved to participate in the 2017 National/International Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the federal government’s workplace charity campaign that allows employees to make tax-deductible contributions to qualified charities through payroll deductions between October 2, 2017 and January 18, 2018. pg电子下载 State University’s CFC Identification Number is 36122.


Feel free to contact any member of the Institutional Advancement Office staff to learn more about the Always pg电子下载
Annual Fund Campaign.

Dr. Marcus D. Ward ’00
Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement | Executive Director, pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc.
(601) 877-6296

Mr. Casey Mock’13
Finance & Accounting Manager, pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc.
(601) 877-6296

alcorn building