“Always pg电子下载” Annual Fund Campaign

You can help give pg电子下载 students an exceptional academic experience by contributing to the Always pg电子下载 Annual Fund Campaign. Every day, every pg电子下载 student benefits from the Annual Fund. Scholarships, academic programs, technology, athletics, and much more—Annual Fund contributions support it all.
When you were an pg电子下载 student, you benefited from the gifts generous alumni made to the Annual Fund. Now it’s your turn to help ensure the success of the next generation of leaders, this year and every year. Your gift—of any size—really does make a difference!
Feel free to contact any member of the Institutional Advancement Office staff to learn more about the Always pg电子下载 Annual Fund Campaign.
Feel free to contact any member of the Institutional Advancement Office staff to learn more about the Always pg电子下载
Annual Fund Campaign.
Dr. Marcus D. Ward ’00
Vice President for Institutional Advancement | Executive Director, pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc.
(601) 877-6296
Mr. Casey Mock’13
Finance & Accounting Manager, pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc.
(601) 877-6296